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  • 产品型号: QSFP-40G-4R4
  • 兼容品牌: 全系列
  • 封装类型: QSFP+
  • 传输速率: 40G
  • 传输距离: Up to 40km transmission
  • 发射波长: 4 CWDM lanes MUX/DEMUX design
  • 接收波长: 4 CWDM lanes MUX/DEMUX design
  • 事情温度: 商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃ 可选
  • 数字诊断: 带DDM
  • 接收灵敏度: Up to 40km transmission
  • 接收灵敏度: Up to 40km transmission


QSFP-40G-ER4,40Gb/s QSFP+ ER4 Optical Transceiver


  • Compliant with 40G Ethernet IEEE802.3ba and
  • 40GBASE-ER4 Standard
  • QSFP+ MSA compliant
  • Compliant with QDR/DDR Infiniband data rates
  • Up to 11.2Gbps data rate per wavelength
  • 4 CWDM lanes MUX/DEMUX design
  • Up to 40km transmission
  • Operating case temperature: 0~70C
  • Maximum 3.5W operation power
  • RoHS compliant


  • 40G BASE-ER4 Ethernet Links
  • Infiniband QDR and DDR interconnects
  • Client-side 40G Telecom connections

1. General Description
This product is a transceiver module designed for 2m-40km optical communication applications. The design is compliant to 40GBASE-ER4 of the IEEE P802.3ba standard.The module converts 4 inputs channels (ch) of 10Gb/s electrical data to 4 CWDM optical signals, and multiplexes them into a single channel for 40Gb/s optical transmission. Reversely, on the receiver side, the module optically de-multiplexes a 40Gb/s input into 4 CWDM channels signals, and converts them to 4 channel output electrical data.
The central wavelengths of the 4 CWDM channels are 1271, 1291, 1311 and 1331 nm as members of the CWDM wavelength grid defined in ITU-T G694.2. It contains a duplex LC connector for the optical interface and a 148-pin connector for the electrical interface. To minimize the optical dispersion in the long-haul system, singlemode fiber (SMF) has to be applied in this module.The product is designed with form factor, optical/electrical connection and digital diagnostic interface according to the QSFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA). It has been designed to meet the harshest external operating conditions including temperature, humidity and EMI interference.

2. Functional Description
This product converts the 4-channel 10Gb/s electrical input data into CWDM optical signals (light), by a driven 4-wavelength Distributed Feedback Laser (DFB) array. The light is combined by the MUX parts as a 40Gb/s data, propagating out of the transmitter module from the SMF. The receiver module accepts the 40Gb/s CWDM optical signals input, and de-multiplexes it into 4 individual 10Gb/s channels with different wavelength. Each wavelength light is collected by a discrete photo diode, and then outputted as electric data after amplified by a TIA. Figure 1 shows the functional block diagram of this product.A single +3.3V power supply is required to power up this product. Both power supply pins VccTx and VccRx are internally connected and should be applied concurrently. As per MSA specifications the module offers 7 low speed hardware control pins (including the 2-wire serial interface): ModSelL, SCL, SDA, ResetL, LPMode, ModPrsL and IntL. Module Select (ModSelL) is an input pin. When held low by the host, this product responds to 2-wire serial communication commands. The ModSelL allows the use of this product on a single 2-wire interface bus – individual ModSelL lines must be used.Serial Clock (SCL) and Serial Data (SDA) are required for the 2-wire serial bus communication interface and enable the host to access the QSFP memory map.The ResetL pin enables a complete reset, returning the settings to their default state,when a low level on the ResetL pin is held for longer than the minimum pulse length.During the execution of a reset the host shall disregard all status bits until it indicates a completion of the reset interrupt. The product indicates this by posting an IntL (Interrupt) signal with the Data_Not_Ready bit negated in the memory map. Note that on power up (including hot insertion) the module should post this completion of reset interrupt without requiring a reset.Low Power Mode (LPMode) pin is used to set the maximum power consumption for the product in order to protect hosts that are not capable of cooling higher power modules, should such modules be accidentally inserted.Module Present (ModPrsL) is a signal local to the host board which, in the absence of a product, is normally pulled up to the host Vcc. When the product is inserted into the connector, it completes the path to ground though a resistor on the host board and asserts the signal. ModPrsL then indicates its present by setting ModPrsL to a “Low” state. Interrupt (IntL) is an output pin. “Low” indicates a possible operational fault or a status critical to the host system. The host identifies the source of the interrupt using the 2-wire serial interface. The IntL pin is an open collector output and must be pulled to the Host Vcc voltage on the Host board.

订货信息/Ordering information :

Part No. Description
QSFP-40G-ER4 QSFP ER4,40G,0°C to 70°C
QSFP-40G-ER4I QSFP ER4,40G, -40°C to 85°C


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